Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The blogosphere... the final frontier...

Or at least a frontier that I avoided for a long time.

For that long period of time, I saw absolutely no need to post to a blog. After all, my free time was limited after movie nights, fantasy football, golf, and school. I left the world of blogging to my wife. Using my time for more manly interests was more important to me.

So why now do I join the massive blogosphere? Who or what could have possibly inspired me to dedicate precious time to starting and maintaining a blog?

This is the culprit. No, I am not referring to the gorgeous red head. She is my beautiful and courageous wife and her name is Kara Gulbranson. I am actually referring to the little bundle of joy that she has been carrying for nearly seven months now. Lucky for me, I am about to get the beginners crash course in fatherhood! Everyday, I get a little more excited and a little more nervous about meeting him. I feel excited because I will always have a little golf or hunting buddy. Yet, I feel anxious as the impending fatherly responsibilities draw closer and closer. This is a strange roller coaster of emotions that I have never felt before.

Obviously, there is no manual for this sort of life changing event. I mean, sure... I have a solid idea about what type of roles a father plays in his children's life. A father is a provider. A father is a leader. A father is a friend. To be honest, I feel totally comfortable about these fatherly roles. I am a hard worker and I am not deterred by tough challenges. I consider myself fairly easy going and amiable as well. However, the job description goes far beyond that.

I believe that at the heart of it all, a father is a counselor and a teacher. It is these two roles that trouble me the most. They trouble me because I know we live in a complex world. I face challenges and choices that my father never experienced. Likewise, I know that my children will confront even tougher challenges and tougher choices than I have had to face.  While the challenges may be different from generation to generation, I believe that principles remain the same.

In order to help me fulfill my role as a teacher and a counselor, I dedicate this blog to my all my children. Obviously I don't know you all yet, but I hope that my writings will serve you at some point in your life when they are needed. Along the way, you will get to know more about me, my interests, my experiences, and my background. You will undoubtedly learn that I am not perfect. But I pray that you will always understand that I love you and hope for your success.

I look forward to recording all the losses, triumphs, lessons, and experiences that I will be sharing with you. I hope they serve you well.

 P.S. While my posts will mostly be addressed to my kids, I invite anyone interested to join along as well! I assure you that there will be some hilarious and entertaining stories. They will make you laugh, smile, ponder, and reflect on life with all its challenges and blessings.


  1. This is a fun idea Kasey. It's like you're a grown up or something
