Saturday, May 29, 2021

Faith to Move Mountains

In a recent family visit to South Jordan, I stood in contemplative awe of the westward Oquirrh Mountains. The dominant scene of these mountains is the Bingham Canyon Mine; a mine distinguishing itself from all other mining locations around the world:

- It is the largest man made excavation spanning a distance of 2.5 miles,
- It is the deepest open-pit mine, reaching depths of 0.75 miles deep, and,
- It has produced more copper than any other mine in human history.

Standing there in the shadow of the of the Oquirrh Mountain range, my awe was not caught up in the width, the depth, or the massive yield of ore produced by the Bingham Canyon Mine. Rather, I could not help but feel that I was witnessing - in real-time - the slowest and most unheralded man-made miracle, that I had ever seen: I was witnessing the literal movement of mountains.

The seeds of this massive project began as early as 1848, when brothers Sanford and Thomas Bingham discovered ore and mineral deposits in the canyon where they grazed cattle. Their enthusiasm for their discovery was not shared by Brigham Young, who advised against mining operations in favor of attending to other settlement strategies.

Forgotten for a time, interests in mining activities in the area were reignited, then discouraged, then reignited once again. Most early experts predicted that the mine would never be profitable. Nevertheless, many saw the potential for riches and prosperity, and they would not be deterred.

Shovels and pickaxes evolved into prospecting, then prospecting into steam shovels. Scoop after scoop, cart-load after cart-load, faithful generations and persistent hands have turned the mountain landscape inside out.

So too does our faith (particularly our faith in Christ) move the mountains in our lives; discretely, ingloriously, but unshakably. Our faith, though small and simple, is bringing great things to pass. We just might not be aware of it.

Imagine with me that intimidating mountain that you face right now. I know you can see it, because we all have one. These are the trials that go bump in the night, and they are as unique and complex as the individuals tasked with overcoming them. As much as we wish it so, it may not be in the Lord's plan to move that mountain for you; but it is certainly not in His plan to crush you beneath it.

Perhaps your mountain must be circumnavigated; traversing through foothills, streams, and valleys.

Perhaps your mountain must be scaled; ascending, belaying, and clambering one tedious step after another.

Or perhaps, even, your mountain must be blasted, drilled, bored, and cleared through miles of near-impenetrable bedrock.

No matter the strategy, the principles that govern how we access, acquire, and apply the powers generated through our faith in Jesus Christ are universal. President Nelson expanded on some of these principles, teaching us how we might tap into those powers sufficient to overcome mountains.

Here are those 5 principles:

Principle #1: Study. Become an engaged learner.

President Nelson promised, "The more you learn about the Savior, the easier it will be to trust in His mercy, His infinite love, and His strengthening, healing, and redeeming power. The Savior is never closer to you than when you are facing or climbing a mountain with faith."

Why is this so? Why is the Savior so near while we face and climb our allegorical mountains? It could be that in reaching the summit, we gain the perspective, clarity, and understanding that Christ himself possesses. It could be that through our climb, we find ourselves lifted higher and higher towards a more Christ-like way of living. I believe both of these are true. I also believe that the Lord gives us mountains so we can learn how to climb.

Though we may not see them as such, some mountains are gifts that serve to lift our spirit, strengthen our resolve, and cement our hope. So in becoming an engaged learner, as President Nelson counsels, we also become an heir to His wisdom and His knowledge. Imagine the power possessed by those to whom these gifts are given! Imagine the miracles made available to those in possession of this power!

"Moving your mountains may require a miracle." declared President Nelson. "Learn about miracles. Miracles come according to your faith in the Lord. Central to that faith is trusting His will and timetable ... Only your unbelief will keep God from blessing you with miracles to move the mountains in your life"

Principle #2: Choose to believe

Agency is another incredible gift granted to us by a loving Heavenly Father. As with all His gifts, we are left to decide how we use them and to what end. This gift of agency shows just how much potential the Lord sees in each of us, and the amount of trust He has that we can make right decisions.

Choice plays a pivotal role in how we gain access to power sufficient to move mountains. Consider the teachings shared in Alma 32:

We CHOOSE to experiment on the words of Christ

We CHOOSE to exercise a particle of faith

We CHOOSE to allow room for the seed of faith planted in our hearts

We CHOOSE if that seed is good

These choices are not placed in God's hands. These choices belong to us. Choosing to believe in Jesus Christ and the principles of the gospel is choosing to have access to the powers of heaven; powers that move mountains.

Principle #3: Act in faith

Faith is action. Faith is work. Faith is behavior.

We are mistaken if we look at faith as a passive and submissive state of belief. Look at the litany of verbs that accompany the teaching of faith throughout the scriptures. Alma 32 alone uses the following verbs while teaching on faith: exercise, compare, experiment, plant, grow, swell, sprout, strengthen, bring forth, expand, enlighten...

These are not words of inaction or idleness. These are words of power; words of action.

In helping drive this point home, it helps me to remember that we are invited to take leaps of faith. Never have I been encouraged to take a seat of faith.

Principle #4: Partake of sacred ordinances worthily

In this regard, President Nelson was short and to the point when providing insight into the importance of gospel ordinances.

As explained earlier, learning of Christ builds power. Choosing to believe in Him qualifies us for access to power. Action in harmony with His gospel directs power. But it is the "ordinances [that] unlock [and I would add unleash] the power of God for [our lives]".

Principle #5: Ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, for help.

With a spirit of urgency, President Nelson exhorted the following:

"Please know this: if everything and everyone else in the world whom you trust should fail, Jesus Christ and His Church will never fail you. The Lord never slumbers, nor does He sleep. He “is the same yesterday, today, and [tomorrow].” He will not forsake His covenants, His promises, or His love for His people. He works miracles today, and He will work miracles tomorrow."

Though repeated ad nauseum in nearly every testimony, lesson, and talk, these words are powerful. Equally powerful are the truths not said here, though they are implied:

- The imperfect world will fail you,

- People will ignore your potential and discredit your worth,

- Circumstances will change, sometimes for worse and not for better,

- People will forsake their promises, even their love,

...but your Heavenly Father doesn't. Your Heavenly Father won't.

President Nelson continues:

Faith takes work. Receiving revelation takes work. But “every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” God knows what will help your faith grow. Ask, and then ask again.

Understanding Where You Stand

Do not minimize the faith you already have! Understand that while we are all walking the path of discipleship at different paces and on different terrains, we are all operating on faith already sufficient to move mountains. You may find that difficult to believe, but put aside your doubt for a moment and consider with me these real-life manifestations of faith sufficient to move mountains:

-There are some bearing scorn and slander...yet they pursue what is right even under intense and undue scrutiny.

- There are some experiencing setback after setback... yet they lift themselves up and always take the next best step.

- There are some enduring heartbreak and disappointment...yet they remain hopeful for positive relationships.

- There are some praying for the well-being of loved ones... yet they still get a disappointing answer.

- There are some watching family members leading ruinous lives... yet they exercise wisdom in extending a helping hand, or courage when they must leave.

- There are some living with crippling mental and physical limitations... yet they provide a source of strength and inspiration for others.

- There are some interacting with imperfect people with imperfect views... yet they maintain a firm conviction in their belief.

- There are some hearing the rumblings of pundits and professionals... yet they continue to listen and sustain divinely appointed prophets and apostles.

- There are some suffering the consequences of someone else’s hatred, vitriol, and disdain... yet they turn the other cheek and opt for a higher path.

Faith is all these things, yet still knowing that Christ remains a constant, edifying power that encourages and sustains us.

It is my testimony, that we already possess a faith powerful enough to move mountains. Much like the mustard seed, faith does not grow in monumental spurts and pageantry. Rather, it sprouts with careful nurturing. It blooms and fades with the changing of seasons. It builds strength one miniscule fiber at a time. Without your even noticing it, you one day will look back and see leveled mounds of dirt and stone where mountains once stood.

Learn of Christ and His miracles. Choose to believe in Him through which all things are made possible. Act in harmony with His gospel teachings. Unleash the powers of heaven through gospel ordinances. Ask, and then ask again. Only then will you perceive the powerful and un-heralded process of mountains being moved.